Reflection from a student: Education during a Pandemic

When the lockdown started in March of 2020, there was a lot of uncertainty in the air. That uncertainty was very difficult for me to deal with because I like to plan and think ahead. During that time, I often thought of that expression “the light at the end of the tunnel.” The lockdown felt …

Submission to the Ministry of Canadian Heritage Consultation on On-line Harms Legislation

The CCRC appreciates the government’s intention to adopt legislation regarding on-line safety, including regulations for social media platforms. On-line activity and network media have become an integral part of the lives of young people, with both benefits and risks. The purpose of this submission is to suggest improvements for the package outlined in the discussion …

New advocacy office for children and youth in the child welfare system in Ontario: Youth Empowering Youth

Youth Empowering Youth (YEY) was founded on a desire to provide access to justice to children, youth, families and supporters who are impacted by Child Protective Services. They offer both free and paid services. The pandemic has been especially hard on youth “in-care” and they need to know that the law is on their side. …

Federal Election 2021: Childcare

On September 14, Child Care Now has called for a Child Care Summit. Check it out: Also, see why we are calling on all parties to consider children as rights-holders when they are making decisions on child care.

Federal Election 2021: Implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action

During this federal election, we have not seen enough attention to the rights violations faced by First Nations, Metis and Inuit children and youth. Furthermore, not all parties have committed to implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. This is long over-due, and we stand with Indigenous and non-Indigenous allies in demanding that whichever …