“Each year, one billion children are victims of violence. Violence erodes every investment that families, communities and governments make in children, from their education to their mental and physical health”. The first-ever Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children will take place in Bogota, Colombia on November 7-8, 2024. This meeting will be an …

We Need You to Write Letters Today (April 30 & May 1) to Support Bill C273 to Repeal Section 43

Dear Supporters of Repeal of Section 43, Today is the International Day to End Corporal Punishment of Children.  Today, Lao PDR became the 66th country to prohibit all corporal punishment of children. Yesterday, Canada’s Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights met to deliberate Bill C-273 which, if passed, will finally repeal section 43 of the …

Letter from outgoing CCRC Chair

Written by Kate Butler, November 2023 I’m writing this as the outgoing chair of the CCRC. It has been a honour to be part of this organization for the last 6 years, including the last 3 as Co-Chair and Chair. Working with our wonderful partners, members, and supporters from across the country has made me …

Check out this special issue of the Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights on CP

Check out this just-published special issue of the Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights that is focused on addressing corporal punishment of children through law reform.  It contains articles that tell the stories of Canada, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, as well as an article summarizing the global picture and another article on the connection between law reform and …

Check out this petition calling for law reform on corporal punishment

End corporal punishment of children and youth in Canada by supporting Bill S-251. Sign this petition! April 30, 2023 was the National Day to End Corporal Punishment. As such, please consider sending a letter in support of Bill S-251 to Senator Stan Kutcher’s office to help end corporal punishment in Canada. He prefers letters be …

Letter to NGOs regarding safe sport

Dear NGO community, We write today to invite your organization to join our coalition in calling for a national inquiry into abuse in Canadian sport. Support for the call is growing, but additional pressure will be required to spark government action. Help us change the Canadian sport system for the better. Our coalition currently consists of Scholars Against Abuse in Canadian …