
Webinar with Helene Trudel (Nov. 3, 2023)

Here are the slides:

Nov 3 slides

Webinar with Dr. Julien (October 13, 2023)

Here are the slides:

Slides from Dr. Julien’s webinar

CRIA Webinar (October 10, 2023)

Here is the recording

And the slides:

CRIA slides


What are we reading this summer?

People for Education’s Right to Education framework:
UNICEF: Let’s talk about climate emergencies
Plan International: Period poverty in plain sight: One in four Canadian women have had to choose between menstrual products and meals
World Vision: Child labour: Facts and how to help
Dentons: Canada’s forced labour and child labour legislation: What you need to know
Children First Canada: Pedianomics: The Social Return on Investment in Improving the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Adolescents

And the press release: New Research Puts a Multi-Billion Price Tag on Failure to Improve Children’s Health in Canada
Canadian Bar Association: Honour Canada’s Commitment to Children


New Addition:  Webinars on Current Issues in Children’s Rights

The CCRC sponsored a series of webinars in 2020-2021 on current issues in children’s rights.  Below are links to recordings of the presentations:

Information on Canada and Children’s Rights

Public Education Tools to Understand and Promote Children’s Rights

 Analysis of Current Issues relating to Children’s Rights