Webinar with Helene Trudel (Nov. 3, 2023)
Here are the slides:
Nov 3 slidesWebinar with Dr. Julien (October 13, 2023)
Here are the slides:
Slides from Dr. Julien’s webinarCRIA Webinar (October 10, 2023)
Here is the recording
And the slides:
CRIA slidesWhat are we reading this summer?
People for Education’s Right to Education framework: https://peopleforeducation.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/People-for-Educations-Right-to-Education-Framework.pdf
UNICEF: Let’s talk about climate emergencies
Plan International: Period poverty in plain sight: One in four Canadian women have had to choose between menstrual products and meals
World Vision: Child labour: Facts and how to help
Dentons: Canada’s forced labour and child labour legislation: What you need to know
Children First Canada: Pedianomics: The Social Return on Investment in Improving the Health and Wellbeing of Children and Adolescents
And the press release: New Research Puts a Multi-Billion Price Tag on Failure to Improve Children’s Health in Canada https://childrenfirstcanada.org/featured/new-research-puts-a-multi-billion-price-tag-on-failure-to-improve-childrenshealth-in-canada/
Canadian Bar Association: Honour Canada’s Commitment to Children
New Addition: Webinars on Current Issues in Children’s Rights
The CCRC sponsored a series of webinars in 2020-2021 on current issues in children’s rights. Below are links to recordings of the presentations:
- Hiding and Seeking: Children’s Lived Experiences During COVID-19. Webinar by Dr. Donna Koller & Maxime Grossi (RN, MA), September 29, 2021
Impacts of COVID-19 on Children and Their Rights: An Ethical Analysis. Webinar by Sidney Campbell & Dr. Franco Carnevale, May 13, 2021
- Canada’s Children Deserve Protection from Violence: A Call to Action. Webinar by Dr. Joan Durrant & Dr. Valerie Michaleson, April 29, 2021
- Anti-Discrimination & the Education System: Slides from Chriss Bogert & Ben Peebles (Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Laboratory School, University of Toronto) Raising Kids Who Care, CCRC Webinar March 31
- Child & Youth Advocacy in the 21st Century: Dr. Daniella Bendo shares her doctoral research on child & youth advocacy in Canada in a 21st century context.
- Justice for Children & Youth: Dr. Shauna Van Praagh and Atagün Mert Kejanlıoğlu explore challenges related to justice for children and youth in Canada, including during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Anti-Black Racism & Child Rights: Bissy Waariyo, Cheyanne Ratnam, and Agapi Gessesse discuss the impact of anti-Black racism on the lives of children and youth. Panelists explored ways that young people are not able to realize their rights when they face discrimination.
- Where are Youth Voices in the Pandemic: Learning from the Past. This webinar explores learning from other humanitarian crises to inform ways of listening to the voices of children and youth during the pandemic, including a pilot project underway in Canada now.
- Children’s Rights Impact Assessments (CRIA): the Scotland experience. This webinar explores the use of CRIA in Scotland in relation to Covid response and incorporation of the Convention into domestic law in Scotland.
Information on Canada and Children’s Rights
- Comprehensive periodic reviews of all rights: Right in Principle, Right in Practice: Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Canada (2012); Des principes à la réalisation: Mise en œuvre de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant des Nations Unies (2012)
- Analysis of major themes and tools for implementation of children’s rights in Canada
Public Education Tools to Understand and Promote Children’s Rights
- Resources for Children
- Fact sheets on major themes in the Convention
Analysis of Current Issues relating to Children’s Rights
- Reports and submissions on current public issues
- Janusz Korczak digital repository