More than the January Blues: Why More Mental Health Supports are Needed for Children & Youth

Author: Cathy Xie (University of Toronto undergraduate student & CCRC volunteer) In Canada, January can be a hard month: the weather is chilly, and winter looms ahead. This January is particularly challenging for many Canadians, as the lockdown due to COVID-19 continues. Many young people undoubtedly have a case of the January blues at this …

Not enough in-person school hours for Vancouver School Board secondary students: A violation of the right to education

Read our new piece by Mary Kestler, Jen Grant, Laavanya Srichandramohan and Kate Butler about education as a right. As of September 2020, elementary students of The Vancouver School Board (VSB) have been in full-time instruction alongside neighbouring school districts in BC. However within this same timeframe, VSB secondary students have been largely forgotten – …

Fighting for Child Rights One Word At a Time: My Experience as a CCRC Intern

Working in the non-profit sector was something that has always been important to me. It has consistently brought me joy knowing that even the smallest of tasks served a much larger purpose. So, when given the opportunity to work as a communications intern for the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC), I was …

Postponement of UN Review of Canada to Jan 2022

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has announced that the review of Canada will not occur until January 2022. Due to the current pandemic of COVID-19, all sessions have been postponed by one session. Therefore, the deadline to send additional information is 15th December 2021. The CCRC continues to engage in this …

Happy new year – looking forward to working together on children’s rights

Hello everyone, Happy new year. As we turn the page on 2020, the CCRC looks forward to continuing to work with our members and partners to make children’s rights work better in Canada. Here are 3 issues that will keep us busy in 2021. First, we want to once again draw your attention to the …

Ending Violence Against Children

Ending Violence Against Children in Canada On December 15 the global network to End Violence Against Children (EVAC) launched a major campaign for the coming year.  It is a next step toward the ambitious goal of ending all forms of violence against children by 2030, one of the Sustainable Development Goals. 2021 will feature global campaigns, …

Children in the City: Challenges & Opportunities for Children’s Rights due to COVID-19

By: Stephanie Watt, Geneviève Grégoire-Labrecque, and Kate Butler Children are active participants in city life and deserve to be the focus of city planning, just as adults are. As rights holders, young people should be considered in public policy decisions about city activities, places and events. Unfortunately, that’s rarely been the case. For instance, for several …