Cyberbullying Report

Post submitted by CCRC Board Member, Lisa Wolff of UNICEF Canada: The Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights released an important report for Canada’s children Wednesday, Cyberbullying Hurts: Respect for Rights in the Digital Age. The Committee’s key message is that focus is needed on prevention, mainly through digital citizenship information and education, with less default …

Too Many Children Wait for Adoption

Is it acceptable that Canada has a lower rate of domestic adoptions than comparable countries? Finding permanent family-like care for children who cannot stay with their birth families should be a top priority.  All children deserve to grow up with the love and support of a permanent family, whether a birth or adoptive family. Canada …

Too Many Children Lack Family Support: Third Review

Is it acceptable that over 67,000 children are in state care, without a permanent home, and that a high percentage leave state care at age 16 or 18 without support that other children get from their families? On September 26, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child will ask Canada what is being …

Bill C-10: Will the Senate protect childrens’ rights?

Bill C-10, the omnibus crime bill, violates children’s rights.  Proposed amendments in the House of Commons were rejected by the governing party.  Now the bill goes to the Senate.  In recent years the Senate has endorsed several reports in support of children’s rights.  The CCRC is asking Senators to consider how Bill C-10 fulfills or …