Children’s Rights in Canada’s Response to the UPR

Canada received 245 recommendations from other countries to improve how it implements human rights, including children’s rights.  The response is a missed opportunity to make and show progress in Canada.  It shows that not much has changed in practice, in spite of ministerial level statements about improving implementation in Canada. The forthcoming review of children’s …

Children’s rights under review

Children’s rights in Canada are under review.  The official report, due in July, is now four months late.  Children’s rights are important.  You can help ensure the review is taken seriously. You can use the review process to make progress for your issues.  Read more about it and consider what you can do. Implementing the …

Raise the Bar: Children’s Rights in Canada

  Join us in Ottawa from November 21-22 to work together for the rights of Canadian children and youth! You are invited to join NGOs, Parliamentarians, government officials, researchers, and advocates together with children and youth from across Canada to share your priorities, successes and challenges at Raise the Bar: Children’s Rights in Canada, November 21-22, …

Poverty Plan: A Good Start

The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) welcomes the official release of Canada’s first Federal Poverty Reduction Strategy.  It signals clear recognition of the need for focused and coordinated attention to address the long-standing challenge of poverty, including child poverty, across Canada.  In particular, the framework is noteworthy for setting targets, using multiple …

Family Law and Children’s Rights

Proposed changes in Canadian family law are a big step forward for children’s rights in Canada.  If passed, Bill 78 will make the Best Interests of the Child the only principle for decisions on parental arrangements in divorce cases.  Criteria for determining the best interests of the child reflect Convention principles, including a legal requirement …

A Step Forward for Youth Justice

The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) welcomes proposed amendments to the Youth Criminal Justice Act, contained in Bill C-75.  The proposed changes increase the likelihood that extra-judicial measures will be used in more cases; they fit with the principle of using imprisonment only as a last resort, as articulated in Article 37 …

Bill C-69 and Children’s Right to a Healthy Environment

Bill C-69 is an opportunity for Canada to show that it takes the rights of children seriously by including assessment of impacts for children in the new environmental review process. The Convention on the Rights of the Child includes the right to a healthy environment, as well as requiring states to give the best interests …