Climate change ruling by the Supreme Court

We were an intervenor on the Supreme Court ruling on climate change. 3 thoughts: 1. CCRC welcomes the Court’s finding that climate change is a matter of national concern and that the federal government has a mandate to address it under its power to act to protect peace, order, and good government.  The CCRC argued …

Fact Sheet: Children’s Right to Privacy (March 2021)

Children’s Privacy in the Networked EnvironmentBy Professor Jane Bailey and Dr Valerie Steeves(with research assistance from Vanessa Ford) Almost every aspect of a child’s life – school, communications, entertainment, etc. – is now in some way connected to or affected by our digitally networked environment. Given this, it is not surprising that children and young …

Children Write: Children’s Writing Competition Submission Form & Poster

Children Write: Children’s Rights Writing Competition The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) is a network of Canadian organizations and individuals who promote respect for the rights of children. Its purpose is to: exchange information; provide public education materials about the Convention on the Rights of the Child; monitor implementation of the Convention …

Webinar on our Anti-Discrimination Children’s Rights Writing Competition

Join us on March 31 at noon EST for a webinar launching our Children Write! competition. We will be joined by Hala Mreiwed, Gulzar R. Charania, Christine Bogert & Ben Peebles. Entries can be submitted in French or English. Click here to sign up: Check out