Letter to Endorsers of the Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth

Letter that the CCRC sent on Nov. 19 to the 658 organizations and individuals who signed the Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth. Dear Endorser of the Joint Statement, November 20 is National Child Day – this day is meant to remind us of the importance of the rights of children in …

Dean’s Distinguished Lecture: Featuring Dr. Cindy Blackstock

Check out this lecture on November 15th at 5:30pm PST. Reconciling History Colonialism entrenched inequality as a lived reality for many Indigenous peoples around the world. This presentation talks about what colonialism is, how it birthed multi-generational inequality and what can be done, including academically, to achieve justice in change-resistant environments. Event Description The Faculty …

New advocacy office for children and youth in the child welfare system in Ontario: Youth Empowering Youth

Youth Empowering Youth (YEY) was founded on a desire to provide access to justice to children, youth, families and supporters who are impacted by Child Protective Services. They offer both free and paid services. The pandemic has been especially hard on youth “in-care” and they need to know that the law is on their side. …

CCRC Commentary on the Right to Education

Education is not a one-size fits all. It was not pre-pandemic and will not be post-pandemic. Children have diverse needs and abilities that vary based on their individual contexts. Unfortunately, their diverse abilities and needs have not been fully considered nor have their voices been heard since the beginning of the pandemic. Check out the …

Ending Violence Against Children

Ending Violence Against Children in Canada On December 15 the global network to End Violence Against Children (EVAC) launched a major campaign for the coming year.  It is a next step toward the ambitious goal of ending all forms of violence against children by 2030, one of the Sustainable Development Goals. 2021 will feature global campaigns, …

Children’s Rights in Health Care: Equitable Treatment for Indigenous Children

The CCRC is drawing attention to a new book that provides evidence of  systemic  discrimination within the health care system and its impacts for indigenous children. Join a webinar to learn more. To register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/confronting-meical-colonialism-fighting-for-a-hand-to-hold-book-launch-tickets-122093010481 

Children with Disabilities: Time for Action

May 31 to June 6 is National AccessAbility Week.  It is a time to celebrate the contributions of persons with disabilities and recognize work being done to remove barriers to their full participation. This year the CCRC is highlighting actions Canada needs to take to fulfill the rights of children with disabilities under two different …