CCRC March Newsletter

Canada’s response to the fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR4) is now available online on the United Nations Human Rights Council website (OHCHR | Universal Periodic Review – Canada). Ambassador Leslie E. Norton, Permanent Representative of Canada to the UN in Geneva, will be presenting Canada’s response at the Human Rights Council (date to be confirmed). We …

CCRC webinar: Youth Researchers’ Peer-to-Peer PAR Journey and Findings

Date: November 25, 2023 Time: 12:00-1:30 pm EST Location: zoom Registration is free but required at: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The CCRC would like to invite you to a webinar with youth researchers who will be discussing their Peer-to-Peer Participatory Action Research Journey and Findings. Please …

Letter from outgoing CCRC Chair

Written by Kate Butler, November 2023 I’m writing this as the outgoing chair of the CCRC. It has been a honour to be part of this organization for the last 6 years, including the last 3 as Co-Chair and Chair. Working with our wonderful partners, members, and supporters from across the country has made me …

Universal Periodic Review: Canada’s 4th UPR Report

Canada is currently undergoing its Universal Periodic Review. Attached is the report Canada just submitted to this process.  The process is as follows: Canada makes and submits this report, other states are able to review and make recommendations, and then there is a final review hearing and report from the UN human rights committee.  Other countries …

AGM Notice: CCRC’s Annual General Meeting – Open to everyone. Please consider joining

NOTICE   Annual General Meeting of the   Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children   Thursday, November 2, 2023, 12pm-1:00pm EST  The meeting will be on Zoom.  RSVP to [email protected]  AGM Agenda   1. Welcome, approval of agenda, approval of 2022 AGM Minutes  2. Children’s Rights Writing Competition Winners: Presentation of Work  3. Chairperson’s report and opportunity for …