Shaking the Movers 2021

On November 12, 2021, with the support of Professor Daniella Bendo, Childhood and Youth Studies students at King’s University College at Western will facilitate an online ‘Shaking the Movers’ workshop with young people aged 8-12 years old. Shaking the Movers is the name of the rights-based, collaborative model that was developed by the Landon Pearson Resource …

GlobalChild launch on December 13

GlobalChild is an international team comprised of child rights and child development researchers, advocates, and experts working under the guidance of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. You are invited to the Canadian Launch of the GlobalChild platform which will take place via webinar on December 13th in celebration of the 30th anniversary of …

Ending Corporal Punishment webinar

Check out this webinar by Canada’s Dr. Joan Durrant and others, put on by the World Health Organization and Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children Corporal punishment is a highly prevalent form of violence against children (VAC) and a breach of children’s human rights . Its widespread social acceptance means that a level of …

CCRC Research Partnership News

One of the ways that the CCRC supports child rights work is in our capacity as a research partner to academics and institutions. Here is a newsletter from a project we are a partner on, led by Dr. Tara Collins at Ryerson University, called the International & Canadian Child Rights Partnership (ICCRP). The ICCRP involves …

Join us for the CCRC AGM & Panel on Climate Change (Nov. 4 at 2pm EST)

Join the CCRC for our Annual General Meeting on November 4th at 2pm EST. Note that this is open to the general public, not just CCRC members. The first hour will be a panel on climate change and children’s rights. Then, we will have a 30 minute AGM where we will nominate new board directors, …

Reflection from a student: Education during a Pandemic

When the lockdown started in March of 2020, there was a lot of uncertainty in the air. That uncertainty was very difficult for me to deal with because I like to plan and think ahead. During that time, I often thought of that expression “the light at the end of the tunnel.” The lockdown felt …

Submission to the Ministry of Canadian Heritage Consultation on On-line Harms Legislation

The CCRC appreciates the government’s intention to adopt legislation regarding on-line safety, including regulations for social media platforms. On-line activity and network media have become an integral part of the lives of young people, with both benefits and risks. The purpose of this submission is to suggest improvements for the package outlined in the discussion …