4e Concours annuel d’écriture et d’expression sur les droits des enfants

Soumettez votre contribution ici en anglais, ou ici en français ! En vertu de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant des Nations unies (CDE), les pays (dont le Canada !) s’engagent à protéger les droits des enfants. Tous les enfants du Canada ont ces droits. Ils sont tous aussi importants les uns que les …

4th Annual Children’s Rights Writing and Expression Contest

Submit your entry here in English, or here in French! Under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, countries (including Canada!) promise to protect children’s rights. Every child in Canada has these rights. They’re equally important. They’re connected. And they can’t be taken away, like: This year’s Children’s Rights Expression contest asks the following questions: If …

Write to your MP to ask them to vote in favour of Bill C-273

This week, the House of Commons is getting a report back from the Standing Committee on Human Rights and Justice on Bill C-273, which is a private member bill by NDP MP Peter Julien, which would ban corporal punishment. We are encouraging our supporters to write to their MPs and ask them to support the …

We Need You to Write Letters Today (April 30 & May 1) to Support Bill C273 to Repeal Section 43

Dear Supporters of Repeal of Section 43, Today is the International Day to End Corporal Punishment of Children.  Today, Lao PDR became the 66th country to prohibit all corporal punishment of children. Yesterday, Canada’s Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights met to deliberate Bill C-273 which, if passed, will finally repeal section 43 of the …

David Asper Centre for Human Rights’ Submission on Bill C273

Read this submission from Cheryl Milne. Here’s the link! Recommendation: Section 43 of the Criminal Code1 of Canada should be fully repealed through the enactment of Bill C-273. IntroductionThe Asper Centre supports Bill C-273 to repeal section 43 of the Criminal Code (“s. 43”). The use of force to correct and discipline a child is …

CCRC webinar: Youth Researchers’ Peer-to-Peer PAR Journey and Findings

Date: November 25, 2023 Time: 12:00-1:30 pm EST Location: zoom Registration is free but required at:  https://westernuniversity.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJItd-CsrjooHNCD8RqaNmZ8d1f2QQuXEVvM After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The CCRC would like to invite you to a webinar with youth researchers who will be discussing their Peer-to-Peer Participatory Action Research Journey and Findings. Please …

Letter from outgoing CCRC Chair

Written by Kate Butler, November 2023 I’m writing this as the outgoing chair of the CCRC. It has been a honour to be part of this organization for the last 6 years, including the last 3 as Co-Chair and Chair. Working with our wonderful partners, members, and supporters from across the country has made me …