Webinar on the Child Rights Impact Assessment Tool

Join the CCRC & UNICEF Canada on October 10th at 12pm-1:30pm ET to discuss Justice Canada’s Child Rights Impact Assessment Tool. We are thrilled to be joined by Jolane Lauzon and Cassandre Laveaux from Justice Canada. Child Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA) is a tool that helps people understand how a proposed law, policy or decision might …

CCRC webinars with La Fondation Dr. Julien on child wellbeing

Join us for two new CCRC webinars this fall with La Fondation Dr. Julien. Sign up details below! A New Paradigm to Caring for the Most Vulnerable Children: October 13 at 12pm-1pm ET, led by Dr. Gilles Julien. Sign up here. The Canadian Community Social Pediatrics Model is an innovative transdisciplinary health modeldeveloped by pediatrician …

3rd Annual Canadian Children, Youth and Communities Inequity Conference

 The 3rd Annual Canadian Children, Youth and Communities (CCYC) In | Equity Conference (CCYC) is taking place online Oct 20-21, 2023)! They have an excellent line up of presenters – see some keynotes below and also check out more on the Speakers and Agenda sections of our website. Also, a reminder that early-bird pricing ends Fri Sep 15 – so register now and save!

New report from Mary Ward Centre

Check out this new report from the Mary Ward Centre: No One Left Behind? An Intersectional Analysis of the 2030 Agenda in Canada. Executive summary: Using intersectional and equity lenses to examine the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we learned from the experiences of those most impacted by pandemic disruptions. In particular, we focused on the …

CCRC meets with UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery

On Monday August 28, the CCRC was thrilled to join the UN Special Rapporteur, Mr. Tomoya Obokata, responsible for slavery on his visit to Canada. Mr. Tomoya Obokata was appointed UN Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery in March 2020. Mr. Obokata is a Japanese scholar of international law and human rights, specialising in transnational organised crime, …