Appeal to Senate to Keep Youth Out of Jails

Proposed changes to the youth justice system, part of the omnibus crime bill, will mean more young people go to jail, where they are more likely to learn about crime than about how to be rights-respecting, law-abiding citizens. These changes violate the Convention. The Convention makes sense. Bill C-10 needs to be changed.

Bill C-10: Will the Senate protect childrens’ rights?

Bill C-10, the omnibus crime bill, violates children’s rights.  Proposed amendments in the House of Commons were rejected by the governing party.  Now the bill goes to the Senate.  In recent years the Senate has endorsed several reports in support of children’s rights.  The CCRC is asking Senators to consider how Bill C-10 fulfills or …

Polygamy ruling advances children’s rights

The BC Supreme Court upheld the prohibition against polygamy to prevent harm against women and children.  The ruling gives high priority to  children’s right to protection from harm.  It  reinforces the positive obligations of the state to prevent violations of children’s rights.  And it establishes a strong link between children’s rights under the Charter and the Convention on the …

National Child Day: How is Canada celebrating?

This year Canada is marking National Child Day by pushing through changes to the youth criminal justice system that completely violate the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Child. National Child Day celebrates adoption of the Convention more than 20 years ago. The CCRC laments that it is being totally ignored in the rush to pass Bill C-10.

National Child Day 2011

Sunday, November 20, is National Child Day.  We celebrate adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.  How well are we putting it into practice?   A new CCRC report shows that too many children in Canada lack the support they need to develop their full potential.   It also shows why it would be smart for …

Bill C-10 and Young People

Changes to the youth justice system should not be part of the omnibus crime bill. They will put more young people in jail for longer times for lesser crimes. Jails are schools of crime for young people more than they teach young people to be responsible adults. We need a separate debate on youth justice that makes the best interests of children a top priority.