CCRC Commentary on the Right to Education

Education is not a one-size fits all. It was not pre-pandemic and will not be post-pandemic. Children have diverse needs and abilities that vary based on their individual contexts. Unfortunately, their diverse abilities and needs have not been fully considered nor have their voices been heard since the beginning of the pandemic. Check out the …

Public Health Agency of Canada Webinar Series on Ending Violence Against Children

Check out this message from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) on Ending Violence Against Children on their new webinar series, and how to sign up for the first webinar on May 6. As part of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children’s Together to #ENDviolence global campaign, the Public Health Agency of …

Ending Violence Against Children in Canada

This spring, join the CCRC and global partners as we work together to #ENDViolence against children. As we announced at the end of last year, the activities in the next few months are an important next step toward the ambitious goal of ending all forms of violence against children by 2030, one of the Sustainable …

A Child’s Views & Preferences in the new Divorce Act

Changes to the Divorce Act took effect on March 1, 2021. As the Department of Justice notes, these changes will help parents, family justice professionals and judges consider a child’s views and preferences when making decisions about parenting responsibilities. The rights of children to have their voices heard (see General Comment 12). It is a …

Budget 2021: One big piece, many little pieces, but coherence missing for Canada’s children

Prepared by Kathy Vandergrift and Kate Butler Early Learning and Child Care received a major boost in Budget 2021, with a $30 billion budget over 5 years and a commitment to long-term funding for a national system of support for young children and their families. From a children’s rights perspective, the commitment to equitable access …

#EndCorporalPunishment in April

The CCRC wants to share a campaign from the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, which focuses on amplifying calls to end corporal punishment of children as part of the Together to #ENDviolence global campaign and International Day to End Corporal Punishment of Children on 30th April. Two high-level conferences will focus on ending …