Letter to government ministers about taking action on the Concluding Observations from the CCRC

In June, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child released their Concluding Observations for Canada in relation to the 5th/6th Review. The CCRC has written a letter to all government ministers asking them to take seriously children’s rights in Canada, report on steps already underway, and develop a comprehensive public response to all …

Philosophical questions & children’s rights

CCRC Board Member Candace Amarante has recently published a dialogue called, “Let’s not talk about it anymore” in Questions: Philosophy for Young People, a very unique journal that publishes work that explores philosophical questions by children and adults alike. Candace was inspired to write this dialogue after considering Article 14 of the United Nations Convention on the …

End Canada’s failure to protect children

Opinion piece by Kathy Vandergrift, former President and Chair of the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children Repeated failures to protect children from institutional abuse should receive more attention than a Canadian cardinal’s chances to become the next Pope. The failure to protect children is at the centre of the class action lawsuits against …

Public Policy Exchange Webinar: Ending Conversion Therapy: Supporting Victims and Survivors and Protecting All Those at Risk

Tuesday, August 9th 2022 Webinar Key Speakers Include: Elliot Colburn MP, Secretary of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT+) Rights Dr Craig French, Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Nottingham Ibtisam Ahmed, Head of Policy and Research at LGBT Foundation Leni Morris, CEO of …

Child rights mainstreaming: survey for civil society

Check out this news from Child Rights Connect: The UN Core Group leading the development of the Secretary-General guidance note on child rights mainstreaming has published the online survey for civil society in English, French and Spanish, in order to gather inputs from you! OHCHR is in the lead of the consultations with civil society, including children. Deadline: …

Confronting Stigma: Children’s right to be free from substance-use stigma and its harm

Check out the amazing work done by CCRC member, Starlings, on substance-use stigma. Starlings notes: “Stigma harms youth whose parents have a substance use disorder, that when we increase supports to families we will decrease risk for mental illness, substance use disorder, and suicide, and by exposing the systemic barriers that harms families, and address …