Cool opportunity from Child Rights Connect

Check out this opportunity for young people to tell the UN Human Rights Office what they think about inclusive social protection Support children to share their views with the UN Human Rights Office on inclusive social protection! Español abajo / Français ci-dessous  The UN Human Rights Office is writing a report to the Human Rights …

Lessons Learned: Advocacy for Children’s Rights in Canada

By Kathy Vandergrift, Past President and Chair of the CCRC The recent government decision to bring 13 Canadian children and six mothers home from prison camps in northern Syria is welcome.  Finally.  Three years late.  What can we learn from this case, as advocates for children’s rights?  That is Kathy’s focus in the following reflection, …

Off-Reserve Indigenous Children’s Rights: Federal Class Action. Check out recording from the Jan. 31 webinar

The CCRC was thrilled to have Cheyenne Stonechild and Max Faille join us on Jan. 31 for a webinar on Chey’s class action lawsuit. Here is the video: EDITED: And here’s a news story where the webinar is mentioned, and also highlights Chey’s important work. Please note that not all of the webinar was …

CCRC Membership Drive: 2023!

This is our annual membership drive! Please read the letter below and consider becoming a member. Your membership fee supports our volunteer-run coalition to do important work for children’s rights. Dear Supporter of the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children, Thank you for your continuing support of children’s rights through your work, and through …

In Memory of Landon Pearson: Canada’s Children’s Senator

By Dr. Daniella Bendo, a former colleague of Landon Pearson The CCRC is deeply saddened to hear about the passing of the Honourable Landon Pearson, O.C who was a tireless advocate for the rights of young people in Canada and internationally. Landon was one of the founding members of the Canadian Coalition for the Rights …

Children and the right to housing: Exploring opportunities and challenges for children and families

Join the CCRC as we host Sahar Raza (National Right to Housing Network), Katłįà Lafferty (National Indigenous Housing Network (NIHN) Co-Chair) and Kaitlin Schwan (Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network) as they discuss children and families’ right to housing. Panelists will talk about a number of topics, including the legislated right to housing, and new access …

Child Engagement on 5th/6th UN Review / Consultation des enfants au nom du gouvernement fédéral en vue du 5e-6e examen de l’Organisation des Nations Unies

Children and young people are experts on their own lives. They are the ones who are living their lives and know best how certain situations affect them. They can provide valuable feedback and insight into their circumstances and can inform decisions and policies related to them. They can be powerful advocates for themselves and can …