Children’s Rights In Canada: List of Issues

The list of issues,  the next stage in the review of children’s rights,  is another opportunity to make much needed changes in Canada.  It includes many of the pressing issues for children in Canada. All governments need to answer the questions to provide additional information and analysis about the conditions for children in Canada.  That will …

National Child Day 2017: Children’s Rights Can Make Canada Work Better

Members of the Coalition will celebrate National Child Day with children across the country on November 20, 2017.  We also celebrate the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is the reason for this day. This year the CCRC is drawing attention to the potential benefits of the Convention on the Rights of the …

Young People in the Workplace: Rights, Rules, Safety, and Fairness

Young people benefit from work experience, but they can also be exploited in the workplace.  Knowing about the rules, their rights, and how to report unsafe working conditions or unfair treatment is essential for all young people.  The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) is asking all governments, federal and provincial, to ensure …

Children’s Rights and Bill S-206

The Senate will begin debate on Bill S-206 this week.  The bill, sponsored by Senator Murray Sinclair, will repeal Section 43 of the Criminal Code.  It will protect the right of every child, as well as every adult, to not be hit by anyone.  It is an important step in implementation of children’s right to …

25th Anniversary of Ratification of CRC in Canada: How Are We Doing?

2016 is the 25th Anniversary of Canada’s Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child – time to ask about progress in implementation.  Substantive progress in some areas is combined with no action in others, based on recommendations to Canada in the last review of children’s rights in 2012.  The CCRC offers this …

Children’s Rights: Making Canada Work Better for Young People

November 22:  Panel and Workshop discussion on how children’s rights could improve federal/provincial/first nations cooperation to benefit all children in Canada.  2016 is the 25th Anniversary of Ratification of the Convention on the Rights on the Child.  Implementation remains a challenge.  This topic is timely because progress in many areas involves more several governing bodies. …

Violence Strategies and Children’s Rights

The CCRC welcomes the strong focus on ending violence against women and girls. Paying attention to children’s rights is essential and beneficial for the success of proposed national strategies.  That is the message in two submissions the CCRC is making. We hope Status of Women Canada will consider Article 19 of the Convention, General Comment …