Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action #3 Fact sheet

Call to Action #3: We call upon all levels of government to fully implement Jordan’s Principle Jordan’s Principle is a legal rule named after Jordan River Anderson, of the Norway House Cree Nation in Manitoba. Jordan was born with complex medical needs and after spending his first two years in the hospital, he was cleared …

New book on Monitoring State Compliance with the UN CRC

A comprehensive book has just been published that will be of interest to many of you: Monitoring State Compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  The book was edited by Ziba Vaghri, Jean Zermatten, Gerison Lansdown and Roberta Ruggiero. Those who wish to purchase a soft- or hardcover book, may so do …

Press Release from Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations:

ENGLISH MONTREAL SCHOOL BOARD TO PAY CHILD WITH LEARNINGDISABILITY AND PARENTS $20,000 FOR DISCRIMINATION Montreal, January 5, 2022 — An 11-year-old girl with a learning disability and her parentshave won the first round of their legal battle against the English Montreal School Board(EMSB) for discrimination based on disability. In a rare decision issued before Christmas, …

Young Canadians File Court Challenge to Lower Federal Voting Age – Calling it Unconstitutional

Check out the voting age court challenge (CCRC is a proud supporter!). Also check out this infographic! TORONTO, Dec. 1, 2021 – A group of Canadian children and youth are set to make history, opening the  possibility that they and their peers may be able to cast a ballot in the next federal election. The …