CCRC webinars with La Fondation Dr. Julien on child wellbeing

Join us for two new CCRC webinars this fall with La Fondation Dr. Julien. Sign up details below! A New Paradigm to Caring for the Most Vulnerable Children: October 13 at 12pm-1pm ET, led by Dr. Gilles Julien. Sign up here. The Canadian Community Social Pediatrics Model is an innovative transdisciplinary health modeldeveloped by pediatrician …

Children and the right to housing

On February 15th, the CCRC hosted a live webinar with guest speakers: Sahar Raza (National Right to Housing Network), Katłįà Lafferty (National Indigenous Housing Network (NIHN) Co-Chair) and Kaitlin Schwan (Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network). This webinar discussed children and families’ right to housing and highlighted important topics, including legislated right to housing and …

Lessons Learned: Advocacy for Children’s Rights in Canada

By Kathy Vandergrift, Past President and Chair of the CCRC The recent government decision to bring 13 Canadian children and six mothers home from prison camps in northern Syria is welcome.  Finally.  Three years late.  What can we learn from this case, as advocates for children’s rights?  That is Kathy’s focus in the following reflection, …

Child Engagement on 5th/6th UN Review / Consultation des enfants au nom du gouvernement fédéral en vue du 5e-6e examen de l’Organisation des Nations Unies

Children and young people are experts on their own lives. They are the ones who are living their lives and know best how certain situations affect them. They can provide valuable feedback and insight into their circumstances and can inform decisions and policies related to them. They can be powerful advocates for themselves and can …

Update from #Vote16

Update from CCRC member #Vote16 I’d like to share some great news from Europe. Just last week, the German parliament decided to lower the voting age to 16 for their EU elections! The number of countries, provinces and cities that have enacted #Vote16 continues to grow. You can follow this progress on our global map …

Panel on pressing issues in children’s rights

Check out our recording of the Nov. 3 webinar on children’s rights. Panelists discussed comprehensive sexuality education, child poverty and lowering the voting age. Panelist bios: Insiya Mankani is the Public Affairs Officer at Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights where she helps to advance the domestic sexual and reproductive health policy landscape by …