Call for input: Views of youth-led and youth-focused organizations and institutions on the future of human rights for the development of the Human Rights 75 Youth Declaration

This year, the world commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) – a miraculous text adopted by the United Nations. The Human Rights 75 initiative, led by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) recalls the consensus imagined by the UDHR, looks to the future, and seeks to …

Winners of the 3rd annual Children’s Rights Writing & Expression Competition!

The CCRC is thrilled to announce the winners of our 3rd annual Children Write! competition. This year’s question was: How can Canada do a better job to make sure children learn about their rights? Think of creative ways you would want to learn about your rights, and ideas for how adults (including teachers, governments, social …

New Child Rights Impact Assessment Course

New course by the Ministry of Justice on CRIA (Child Rights Impact Assessments). A Child Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA) is a tool that helps people understand how a proposed law, policy or decision might affect children’s human rights.  This course is open for anyone to take. Please share widely with your networks:

The CCRC’s UPR Submission

Universal Periodic Review of Canada March 29, 2023                                                   Submission by the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children Who we are: The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) is a national umbrella group of organizations and individuals committed to the full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Canada …

FPT Meetings in Halifax: Follow up to the Concluding Observations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

On June 19-20, 2023, the  federal, provincial, and territorial (FPT) ministers responsible for human rights convened at the Forum of Ministers on Human Rights (FMHR) to address key priorities related to Canada’s international human rights obligations. Co-hosted by the Government of Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia, this meeting was anticipated as a crucial …

New paper on the implementation gap in Canada’s human rights obligations

Check out this paper by Alex Neve on how Canada can better meet our international human rights obligations. From the IRPP May 17 “Canada has long enjoyed an international reputation for having a stellar human rights record. Looking closer at Canada’s domestic record of human rights implementation presents a murkier picture of a country that …