Federal Election 2021: Implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action

During this federal election, we have not seen enough attention to the rights violations faced by First Nations, Metis and Inuit children and youth. Furthermore, not all parties have committed to implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. This is long over-due, and we stand with Indigenous and non-Indigenous allies in demanding that whichever …

CCRC Webinar September 29 at noon EST: Hiding & Seeking: Children’s Lived Experiences During COVID-19

The CCRC is thrilled to announce our fall 2021 webinar series Children’s Rights in Action in Times of Uncertainty. Join us on September 29 for a webinar by Dr. Donna Koller & Maxime Grossi, a registered nurse, titled: Hiding & Seeking: Children’s Lived Experiences During COVID-19. Panelists will discuss children’s lived experiences during COVID-19, a …

Federal election 2021: Child care & early learning as a rights issue

For far too long, child care has been seen as a private issue for families, rather than a public one in which government leadership is needed. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed this to the extent that employers and public policy makers are taking note of the importance of high quality accessible child care for women’s …

Volunteer needed: website/graphic design

The CCRC is looking for a volunteer to help us with our website upkeep, graphic design, and general maintenance of our online presence. If you have someone who may be interested, please let them know about this opportunity. The CCRC is an umbrella organization that brings together organizations and individuals across Canada to support full …

Children’s Rights Course at UBC

Check out this new children’s rights course at UBC: Message from the Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program. This coming Winter Term 1, the ISGP is offering an exciting new course, INDS 502F – Children’s Rights, which may be of interest.  Please see below for the course details and a brief description. INDS 502F 001 (Winter Term 1): 3-credit Children’s Rights Instructors: …

Letter to Minister Guilbeault

As a follow up to our meeting with Minister Guilbeault in March 2021, the CCRC and other children’s rights groups submitted a letter, asking for the Ministry of Canadian Heritage to do the following: Share drafts of what Canada plans to submit in December to the Committee long enough in advance to facilitate some discussion …