Children’s Rights could improve International Assistance Program

The CCRC has proposed a way to strengthen Canada’s international assistance program. In a submission for the current review, the CCRC proposes that the Convention on the Rights of the Child be adopted as the framework for all international assistance that impacts children, rather than being one small area of programming.   This would improve …

National Dialogue on Children’s Commissioner

For many years the CCRC has proposed establishment of a National Children’s Commissioner as a focal point for implementation of children’s rights in Canada.  The need for and benefit of such an office have been well-documented.  What we need now is a national dialogue to build consensus on the mandate and how the office would …

Children’s Rights and International Assistance

The review of Canada’s international assistance program provides an opportunity to make the Convention on the Rights of the Child a comprehensive framework for policies that affect children. The benefit would be greater impact for children through coherence and integration between all aspects of program and policy.  The CCRC also proposed that a Child Rights …

Katelynn’s Principle: The child must be at the centre

On Friday, April 29, the jury in the Inquest into the Death of Katelynn Sampson, delivered a number of significant recommendations which are founded on the rights of children, particularly the right to be heard but also their full rights  under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Katelynn was only 7 years …


Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children urges Canada to ratify new treaty so more children can access international justice for rights abuses CANADA, January 14, 2014 – Children whose human rights have been violated will finally be able to bring their cases to the United Nations after a new international treaty was enacted today. …

National Child Day: One Year Later and No Plan of Action

In December of 2012, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child released its Concluding Observations on Canada’s Third and Fourth Report to the Committee on its implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Based on that document, the Canadian Coalition developed 10 Steps for Children in Canada to …

No advances for Canada’s children following Canada’s Human Rights Review

By Lisa Wolff Board Member, Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children In September, the Government of Canada responded to the 162 recommendations it received to advance the human rights of Canadians, during the Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in April, 2013. The UPR is a process to review, every five years, how …