Check out this call for young people to participate in an initiative to end corporal punishment in Canada from Senator Kutcher’s office. See below for details and reach out to Lauren with your questions.
As we move into the spring, it is our hope that Bill S-251, An Act to Repeal Section 43 of the Criminal Code will complete second reading and move into the committee stage. We believe that young people have an essential role to play in advocating for violence-free childhoods and ending corporal punishment in Canada. Therefore, we are calling on youth to participate in a letter writing campaign that we believe has the potential to move this legislation ahead. We need thousands of letters from young people supporting the repeal of section 43 of the Criminal Code and calling for movement on S-251. We would like to invite you and your networks, colleagues, and friends to participate in this initiative as we approach April 30th, which marks the International Day to End Corporal Punishment.
We ask that all letters be sent to Senator Kutcher before April 30th. Please indicate if you are not comfortable with your letter being photocopied in order to share your message with other parliamentarians. No stamps or postage is required. Letters can be sent to the address below:
Senator Stan Kutcher
RE: End Corporal Punishment
Senate of Canada
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A4
You can include anything you’d like in your letters, however, if you’re looking for inspiration here are some messaging suggestions:
- Children and youth rights are human rights.
- We deserve to be protected from violence.
- We want to thrive in a society that protects and supports us.
- Repealing section 43 is part of Canada’s commitment to reconciliation.
Or, consider sharing how corporal punishment has impacted you/your communities, or what the repeal of section 43 would mean to you. Letters can be handwritten or typed, as long as they originate from you. Mass email campaigns or form letters are discouraged.
We hope you will share this call to action with all of your networks! It is essential that this message is spread widely to maximize reach and ensure that thousands of Canadians are heard across the country.
If you would like to receive information in French, please let us know. You can learn more about Bill S-251 and corporal punishment on the Senators’ website. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Any inquiries can be directed to Lauren in Senator Kutcher’s office: [email protected].