AGM Notice: CCRC’s Annual General Meeting – Open to everyone. Please consider joining

NOTICE   Annual General Meeting of the   Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children   Thursday, November 2, 2023, 12pm-1:00pm EST  The meeting will be on Zoom.  RSVP to [email protected]  AGM Agenda   1. Welcome, approval of agenda, approval of 2022 AGM Minutes  2. Children’s Rights Writing Competition Winners: Presentation of Work  3. Chairperson’s report and opportunity for …

Reminder about our first of seven webinars this fall!

As we approach the end of September, it becomes increasingly apparent that time is fleeting. Amid our daily routines, it’s easy to overlook upcoming events that may align with our values and keep us better informed on significant issues. I would like to bring to your attention a webinar that should be noticed. On Wednesday, September 27th, the Canadian …

The CCRC stands with children, youth, and allies working towards gender affirming policies in education, healthcare, child welfare, and more

Like many of you, the CCRC is concerned by recent rhetoric from certain politicians about parental rights in regards to transgender children and youth. We want to share some resources that our members and allies have shared with us. Please feel free to reach out if you want to connect or have anything to share.

Webinar on the Child Rights Impact Assessment Tool

Join the CCRC & UNICEF Canada on October 10th at 12pm-1:30pm ET to discuss Justice Canada’s Child Rights Impact Assessment Tool. We are thrilled to be joined by Jolane Lauzon and Cassandre Laveaux from Justice Canada. Child Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA) is a tool that helps people understand how a proposed law, policy or decision might …

CCRC webinars with La Fondation Dr. Julien on child wellbeing

Join us for two new CCRC webinars this fall with La Fondation Dr. Julien. Sign up details below! A New Paradigm to Caring for the Most Vulnerable Children: October 13 at 12pm-1pm ET, led by Dr. Gilles Julien. Sign up here. The Canadian Community Social Pediatrics Model is an innovative transdisciplinary health modeldeveloped by pediatrician …