Volunteers: Committees

Website/graphic design

The CCRC is looking for a volunteer to help us with our website upkeep, graphic design, and general maintenance of our online presence. If you have someone who may be interested, please let them know about this opportunity.

We are looking for someone who can commit to a one-year volunteer term, with the possibility for renewal. We don’t need this person to be an expert in children’s rights – we are happy if their expertise is in website maintenance and design! Open to high school or college students who need volunteer hours, or even potentially an internship. For more information, send an e-mail to [email protected].


The CCRC is looking for persons interested in volunteering to work on committees in the following areas:

  • policy and monitoring
  • communications and research
  • governance and membership

For more information, send an e-mail to [email protected].  We will try to match your interests and our needs to lead to a rewarding volunteer experience.

Webinar presentations

The CCRC runs a series of webinars in the spring and the fall focused on children’s rights. If you are interested in presenting, please send us an email: [email protected].