A Message from Outgoing CCRC Co-Chair – Terence Hamilton

Dear members and friends of the CCRC,  I trust this note finds you well, in spite of the swirling chaos of our times. I am writing today to share some updates about my shared leadership role on the CCRC board of directors. Recently, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to join UNICEF headquarters …

“Because I said so” op-ed by Sarah Niman, counsel representing the CCRC

Saskatchewan’s top court will rule on whether a gender identity disclosure law violates children’s Charter rights– but the ruling won’t change anything. That’s because even if the court declares that the law is cruel and usual punishment, contrary to the Charter, the law will continue to apply because the provincial government invoked the notwithstanding clause.   A Saskatchewan public …

Looking back and looking forward: Children’s rights require action

A message from the CCRC Board of Directors. As we approach the end of 2024, we want to thank you for your continued support and advocacy for children’s rights. Together, in the past year, we have advocated for a number of critical initiatives, including the full implementation of the CRC, banning corporal punishment, ending violence …

Children’s Rights and Safety Cannot Wait for Politics

As Parliament rises for the last time in 2024 today, we can’t help but be struck by how much is left hanging in the balance for children in Canada. With the dissolution of the Liberal-NDP supply and confidence agreement, the election of Donald Trump in the United States, and the resignation of several ministers, politics …

Congratulations to Kathy Vandergrift, Children’s Rights Advocate and Past Chair of the CCRC

The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) would like to congratulate Kathy Vandergrift, Children’s Rights Advocate and Past Chair of the CCRC on receiving the Kings Coronation Medal for advocacy on children’s rights and community service on December 12, 2024 in Ottawa presented by Member of Parliament Anita VandenBeld, Ottawa West-Nepean, Ontario.  Kathy has been a children’s rights advocate at the …

Canada’s reporting under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

Canada will be presenting its combined second and third reports (submitted November 2022) before the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) at the 32nd Session on March 10 & 11, 2025 at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland. Civil Society organizations can submit parallel/alternative reports. The deadline for submitting written information is January 24, 2025: Information …