Corporal punishment and the National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence

Check out our letter to Minister Monsef on why corporal punishment should be considered in the drafting of the National Action Plan on Gender-based Violence. May 25, 2021 Dear Minister Monsef, As advocates for children’s rights, we look forward to the implementation of a comprehensive National Action Plan on Gender-based Violence. As a core foundation, …

Children Write: CCRC writing competition

A reminder that the CCRC’s first annual writing competition closes June 1. This contest is open to students in Canada from grades 4 through 12.   Please share widely with your networks!! Here is the link to the English competition submission form and the French form. Deadline: June 1, 2021 Each student is eligible to …

Voting age challenge

The CCRC continues to participate, alongside Justice for Children and Youth (JFCY) and the David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights (Asper Centre), and other organizations, as they pursue a court challenge on Canada’s minimum voting age before the end of the year. This project has received second-stage funding from the Court Challenges Program, which helps finance …

Recruiting board members for the CCRC!

Want to make a greater impact in the lives of children in Canada? CCRC is recruiting new board members! Join us! Interested in joining the CCRC Board of Directors? We are currently recruiting for new board members. Specifically, we are looking for someone to fill the role of Secretary on the Board of Directors. This …

May 2021 Right to Education Commentary

Children’s Rights and Education from the Perspective(s) of Children and Youth Dr. Daniella Bendo, of King’s University College at Western (Childhood and Social Institutions), and CCRC Board Member discusses how the pandemic has highlighted the lack of children’s rights awareness and implementation in Canada, and where we can go from here to re-prioritize children’s participation …