A message from the CCRC Board of Directors.
As we approach the end of 2024, we want to thank you for your continued support and advocacy for children’s rights. Together, in the past year, we have advocated for a number of critical initiatives, including the full implementation of the CRC, banning corporal punishment, ending violence against children, protecting children from online harms, use of Children’s Rights Impact Assessments (CRIA) for policy makers, and ensuring that children and youth are active participants in all processes.
Our work is not done! We need concrete action from Federal, Provincial and Territorial governments. It is unacceptable that children across Canada continue to experience and/or witness abuse, hate, racial discrimination, systemic racism, sexual exploitation, violence, and continuous violations of their rights in education, child welfare and youth protection, healthcare, and justice. An important step forward is the incorporation of the Convection of the Rights of the Child (CRC) into domestic law and ensuring that the rights of children are respected and implemented.
As we look forward to 2025, we hope that Canada prioritizes children’s rights and ensures that all children are treated as rights holders and vital members of society and are provided with equitable and culturally appropriate and accessible support services and resources across all sectors. In the upcoming year, we will continue to collaborate and engage in dialogue, monitor and report on progress or lack of on the implementation of the CRC, call for policy changes, share analysis and resources on children’s rights, and support children, youth, advocates and CSO’s in their advocacy work. Our advocacy work will also continue on:
- The rights of children with disabilities; see Canada’s reporting under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
- The right of children to access justice and effective remedies when their rights have been violated; see CCRC report on General Comment No. 27.
- Banning Corporal punishment and ensuring that Canada passes laws to protect children from online harms that include sexual exploitation; see Children’s Rights and Safety Cannot Wait for Politics
- The rights of children to their identity
- Support the participation of children and youth
- Dissemination of information through conferences, workshops, fact sheets, education and training.
Our shared commitment to advocacy, awareness and promotion of children’s rights has played an integral role in the implementation of children’s rights legislation and policies in Canada.
We encourage you to renew your CCRC membership or become a new member in 2025. CCRC annual membership is from January 1-December 31. There are 5 membership categories:
- Individual: $50.00
- Student (18+): $10.00
- Larger organization (with 21 members and up): $300.00
- Small organization (with up to 20 members): $100.00
- Children under 18 years old can become members for free; to register, an email request for membership must be sent to the CCRC at [email protected]
You can renew your membership or become a new member through the CCRC page on CanadaHelps at:
We want to wish you a Happy New Year, and we look forward to engaging with you in 2025!