Rights for Off-Reserve Indigenous Children: A Federal Class-Action

We invite you to join us for a webinar hosted by the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) on Jan. 31 from 2 PM – 3:30 PM EST. We will focus on the Rights of Off-Reserve Indigenous Children and a Federal Class-Action Lawsuit guided by Cheyenne Stonechild, one of the case’s representative plaintiffs. …

An update on ending corporal punishment in Canada: let’s make this happen!

As many of you know, the CCRC has long been an advocate for repealing section 43 of the criminal code, which would eliminate corporal punishment in Canada. We’ve been thrilled to see the two bills introduced in Parliament this year about ending corporal punishment. We wanted to reach out to all of you and ask …

Universal Periodic Review: Child Participation

Did you know that children can participate in the UPR? Child Rights Connect supports child participation. Here is some info for those interested. Canada will be reviewed under the UPR in 2023. Child participationThe UPR mechanism provides an opportunity to empower children who might have participated in the CRC reporting process or are taking forward …

Share your thoughts on Canada’s food policy

The Government of Canada is taking steps to build a pan-Canadian school food policy. This policy will help guide the expansion of school food programs in Canada. You can share your experiences and views on school food programs by participating in the consultation: Share your ideas online Complete the questionnaire by December 16, 2022. They …

Journée nationale de l'enfant

Happy National Child Day. We are grateful to work alongside so many passionate child rights advocates, researchers, students, and leaders to make Canada a place where all children can realize their rights. Check here for the UN’s Concluding Observations from the 5/6th Review of Canada by the Committee on the Rights of the Child.