A Child’s Views & Preferences in the new Divorce Act

Changes to the Divorce Act took effect on March 1, 2021. As the Department of Justice notes, these changes will help parents, family justice professionals and judges consider a child’s views and preferences when making decisions about parenting responsibilities. The rights of children to have their voices heard (see General Comment 12). It is a …

Budget 2021: One big piece, many little pieces, but coherence missing for Canada’s children

Prepared by Kathy Vandergrift and Kate Butler Early Learning and Child Care received a major boost in Budget 2021, with a $30 billion budget over 5 years and a commitment to long-term funding for a national system of support for young children and their families. From a children’s rights perspective, the commitment to equitable access …

Fact Sheet: Children’s Right to Privacy (March 2021)

Children’s Privacy in the Networked EnvironmentBy Professor Jane Bailey and Dr Valerie Steeves(with research assistance from Vanessa Ford) Almost every aspect of a child’s life – school, communications, entertainment, etc. – is now in some way connected to or affected by our digitally networked environment. Given this, it is not surprising that children and young …

Children Write: Children’s Writing Competition Submission Form & Poster

Children Write: Children’s Rights Writing Competition The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC) is a network of Canadian organizations and individuals who promote respect for the rights of children. Its purpose is to: exchange information; provide public education materials about the Convention on the Rights of the Child; monitor implementation of the Convention …

Webinar on our Anti-Discrimination Children’s Rights Writing Competition

Join us on March 31 at noon EST for a webinar launching our Children Write! competition. We will be joined by Hala Mreiwed, Gulzar R. Charania, Christine Bogert & Ben Peebles. Entries can be submitted in French or English. Click here to sign up: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/children-write-tickets-141312007017?aff=ebdsoporgprofile Check out

Fighting for Child Rights One Word At a Time: My Experience as a CCRC Intern

Working in the non-profit sector was something that has always been important to me. It has consistently brought me joy knowing that even the smallest of tasks served a much larger purpose. So, when given the opportunity to work as a communications intern for the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (CCRC), I was …