Check out this news from Child Rights Connect:
The UN Core Group leading the development of the Secretary-General guidance note on child rights mainstreaming has published the online survey for civil society in English, French and Spanish, in order to gather inputs from you! OHCHR is in the lead of the consultations with civil society, including children. Deadline: 30 August 2022
The survey is open to everyone who wants to share examples of gaps and good practices, as well as to formulate recommendations to the UN on how to strengthen the application of a child rights approach across the three pillars (development, human rights, peace and security) and at all levels (national, regional and international), both internally (policy and procedures) and externally (operations, programmes and standards).
This is a unique opportunity for civil society to influence the general UN approach to child rights, both in terms of narrative and operations. It is also an opportunity we cannot miss to call on the UN to make the rights of the child one of its top priorities. Help us disseminating the survey as widely as possible!