A Message from Outgoing CCRC Co-Chair – Terence Hamilton

Dear members and friends of the CCRC, 

I trust this note finds you well, in spite of the swirling chaos of our times. I am writing today to share some updates about my shared leadership role on the CCRC board of directors. Recently, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to join UNICEF headquarters in Geneva as a child rights advocacy specialist. In this new role, I am providing support to UNICEF offices in Canada and 31 other high-income countries in their advocacy for children’s rights. Specifically, I will act as a focal point for child rights education and child participation in advocacy-both areas I am particularly passionate about. I am honoured to be able to take my advocacy to the global level, and I would never have been in a position to do so without the care and support and solidarity of Canadian civil society for human and child rights. I will work to make you proud. 

Unfortunately, as an employee of a UN agency, I am unable to continue any outside roles. As a result, I have had to make the difficult decision to resign from the CCRC board, effective last month. I leave just 8 months short of completing the maximum six-year term on the board. I have gained so much from working with you all over this time, and its hard to believe it has come to an end. Luckily, I am leaving the leadership of the coalition in the very competent hands of Hala and the rest of the CCRC board. We’re incredibly lucky to have such thoughtful and committed directors who volunteer their time to this work. 

Globally, it is a dark time for children’s rights. In addition to the massive cuts to official development assistance, we’re also witnessing some long-standing champions for children’s rights turning their backs on the most vulnerable. Advocating for the rights of children hasn’t always been easy, but it is precisely when they are under attack that our advocacy is most important. May we be clear-eyed and consistent in facing these challenges, and secure in the knowledge that we’re part of a global movement for a more just world. 

In solidarity, 

Terence Hamilton
Advocacy Specialist | Child Rights Education and Child Participation

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