4th Annual Children’s Rights Writing and Expression Contest

Submit your entry here in English, or here in French!

Under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, countries (including Canada!) promise to protect children’s rights. Every child in Canada has these rights. They’re equally important. They’re connected. And they can’t be taken away, like:

  • Article 3 that says all adults need to think about how their decisions will affect children
  • Article 12 that says all children have the right to give their opinion on issues that affect them, and that adults need to listen to them and take them seriously

This year’s Children’s Rights Expression contest asks the following questions:

If you were in charge, what would you do to:

  • Make sure that children’s rights are respected?
  • Make sure that children’s experiences, voices, cultures, beliefs, values and abilities are heard and celebrated across Canada?
  • How can children, youth and adults work together to make sure that children’s rights are respected?

Suggestions include but are not limited to: writing a short story, non-fiction creative writing, picture book, poem, play, song, music video, podcast, a game, or poster.

This year we are also allowing class or group projects with multi-media entries (i.e. podcasts, presentations, music videos, etc.). This will be a separate category with one winner. Teachers must submit this entry.


  • Age 7-10
  • Age 11-14
  • Age 15-17
  • Group category: groups must be associated with a classroom & teacher. One winner overall.

This contest is open to children under the age of 18 at the time of submission who live in Canada.

Entries in both English and French are welcome. Due date: 7 April, 2025.

Prize: $100 per category and the possibility of publishing the winning submissions.

Winners announcement: April 25, 2025

English poster (107 downloads )

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