Call for input to the report of the Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders to the Human Rights Council on child and youth human rights defenders

Purpose: Submissions received will inform the thematic report of the Special Rapporteur on the issue of children and youth who are human rights defenders. The report will be presented to the UN Human Rights Council in March 2024. Background Children and young persons are increasingly active in the field of human rights, promoting and protecting the …

Submit evidence or research to the Senate committee studying Bill S251 on repealing section 43 of the criminal code

Senator Stan Kutcher’s Bill S-251 to repeal s.43 of the Criminal Code which allows for corporal punishment of children is moving through the Senate and is currently being studied by the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Please consider drafting and submitting evidence or research or support for the commitee to consider. Submissions can provide evidence, …

Universal Periodic Review: Canada’s 4th UPR Report

Canada is currently undergoing its Universal Periodic Review. Attached is the report Canada just submitted to this process.  The process is as follows: Canada makes and submits this report, other states are able to review and make recommendations, and then there is a final review hearing and report from the UN human rights committee.  Other countries …

Exciting webinar opportunity on Friday Oct. 13 with Dr. Gilles Julien

Webinar: A New Paradigm to Caring for the Most Vulnerable Children Date: Friday October 13th, 2023 at 12pm-1 pm ET Speakers: Dr. Gilles Julien ( Social Pediatrician) Description: In this webinar, Dr. Gilles Julien will discuss the importance of incorporating a transdisciplinary health model to provide better medical services for impoverished children and their families. Dr. Gilles Julien will …

AGM Notice: CCRC’s Annual General Meeting – Open to everyone. Please consider joining

NOTICE   Annual General Meeting of the   Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children   Thursday, November 2, 2023, 12pm-1:00pm EST  The meeting will be on Zoom.  RSVP to  AGM Agenda   1. Welcome, approval of agenda, approval of 2022 AGM Minutes  2. Children’s Rights Writing Competition Winners: Presentation of Work  3. Chairperson’s report and opportunity for …