CCRC Action Webinar: Repealing S.43 of the Criminal Code of Canada

Dear CCRC Members and Friends,  As you know, the CCRC has long supported efforts to repeal s.43 of the Criminal Code of Canada, which allows for the corporal punishment of children. This position is consistent with Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action #6 and has been the subject of no less than 17unsuccessful private Members’ Bills …

Letter from outgoing CCRC Chair

Written by Kate Butler, November 2023 I’m writing this as the outgoing chair of the CCRC. It has been a honour to be part of this organization for the last 6 years, including the last 3 as Co-Chair and Chair. Working with our wonderful partners, members, and supporters from across the country has made me …

Submit evidence or research to the Senate committee studying Bill S251 on repealing section 43 of the criminal code

Senator Stan Kutcher’s Bill S-251 to repeal s.43 of the Criminal Code which allows for corporal punishment of children is moving through the Senate and is currently being studied by the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. Please consider drafting and submitting evidence or research or support for the commitee to consider. Submissions can provide evidence, …

Check out this special issue of the Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights on CP

Check out this just-published special issue of the Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights that is focused on addressing corporal punishment of children through law reform.  It contains articles that tell the stories of Canada, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, as well as an article summarizing the global picture and another article on the connection between law reform and …

Call to action for young people in ending corporal punishment

Check out this call for young people to participate in an initiative to end corporal punishment in Canada from Senator Kutcher’s office. See below for details and reach out to Lauren with your questions. As we move into the spring, it is our hope that Bill S-251, An Act to Repeal Section 43 of the Criminal Code …

Check out the latest research on the impact of prohibition of corporal punishment on children’s lives from End Violence Against Children

This March 2023 research report illustrates the impact of prohibition of corporal punishment on children’s lives from End Violence Against Children. “Children have a right to legal protection from all corporal punishment, in the family home and all othersettings of their lives. This human right is recognised under international treaties, including the Conventionon the Rights …