Déclaration commune sur les châtiments corporels infligés aux enfants et aux adolescents

See below for a recent post from CHEO regarding the Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth.

The Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth was developed by a national coalition of organizations facilitated by CHEO. Based on an extensive review of research, the Joint Statement provides an overview of the developmental outcomes associated with the use of physical punishment.

Every endorsement of the Joint Statement carries information to more Canadians about the adverse lifespan consequences for children and the societal harm associated with physical punishment. 

You may view and download the documents in the list below. You are welcome to circulate the documents as they are written (in hard copy or electronically), to link with this CHEO webpage, or to quote the Joint Statement with appropriate acknowledgment. Commercial distribution of the documents on this webpage is not permitted. Inquiries and endorsements may be directed as follows: email to the Joint Statement; or by regular mail to CHEO, Partnerships and Advocacy, 401 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON, K1H 8L1.

  • Joint Statement: The full first edition of the document.
  • Executive Summary: (updated March 5, 2013) A synopsis of the Joint Statement.
  • Poster: (updated September 1, 2020) Summary of the key findings, conclusion, key recommendations, endorsements and impact of the Joint Statement.

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