End corporal punishment of children and youth in Canada by supporting Bill S-251. Sign this petition!
April 30, 2023 was the National Day to End Corporal Punishment. As such, please consider sending a letter in support of Bill S-251 to Senator Stan Kutcher’s office to help end corporal punishment in Canada. He prefers letters be sent by postal mail but I have provided his email as well. Please feel free to use as much of the below (heavily borrowed from members of the Community Psychology section of the Canadian Psychological Association) to draft your letter of support. (Postage is free to members of the Senate and House of Commons.)
Recent research on corporal punishment is reviewed and summarized in the following source: https://endcorporalpunishment.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Research-effects-summary-2021.pdf
Additional information about the positive impact of outlawing corporal punishment may be found in: https://endcorporalpunishment.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/The-positive-impact-of-prohibition-of-corporal-punishment-on-children.pdf