Le Canada se classe au bas de l'échelle des indicateurs de bien-être des enfants

Did you know that Canada ranks low when indicators of children’s well-being are compared internationally?

Canada has ranked near the bottom in international comparisons of the well-being of children in industrialized countries in recent years. Following are examples:

  • Infant Mortality – 24th of 30 countries
  • Health and Safety – 22nd of 30 countries
  • Child Poverty – 20th of 30 countries
  • Children’s Well-being – Middle rank of 21 countries – rating varies for six dimensions compared in a UNICEF study
  • Early Childhood – Last of 20 countries for access and level of public investments in an OECD study and last of 26 countries in a UNICEF comparison of 10 benchmarks for early childhood development.

On September 26 Canada will be asked to explain, because we have the resources to do better for our children; other countries are doing so, even when they face fiscal challenges.

Children’s issues need to be a higher priority for all levels of government.  Children need a voice at the national level to ensure that children’s issues do not fall off the agenda.



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