This webinar explores the controversial practice of seclusion rooms in schools and their impact on students, particularly those with disabilities.
Many parents have criticized the use of seclusion or isolation rooms as being abusive and discriminatory towards children with disabilities in particular, and children who are Black or immigrant.
Many jurisdictions have no clear policies and procedures on the use of these rooms, and parents are often not consulted before or informed afterwards by school authorities about the placement of their children in such rooms.
Through insights from experts in advocacy, civil rights litigation and lived experiences, this webinar aims to raise awareness about the harmful effects of seclusion rooms and to present strategies to eliminate their use in educational settings. The webinar discussion will focus on key civil rights issues such as:
- The impact of seclusion rooms on students: their use, implications, and why they are detrimental to autistic children.
- The legal aspects of seclusion rooms in Canada and the U.S., including civil rights violations and litigation against their use.
- How civil rights advocacy organizations for parents of autistic children such as Autistics for Autistics: Self-Advocacy in Canada and the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint in the United States have challenged the use of seclusion rooms.
- Insights and perspectives on addressing the issue in Quebec, where there are currently no regulations regarding the use of seclusion rooms in schools.
Date: Aug 26, 2024
Time: 7:00-8:30 PM EDT
Hala Mreiwed, PhD, Co-Chair, Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children, Canada
- Guy Stephens, Founder & Executive Director, Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint, Maryland, U.S.A.
- Anne Borden, Co-Founder of Autistics for Autistics: Self-Advocacy in Canada, Ontario, Canada
- Chantelle Hyde, Lead Canadian Volunteer, Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint, New Brunswick, Canada
- Stephanie Smith, Staff Attorney, Disability Rights Iowa, Iowa, U.S.A.
This webinar is part of a series of activities conducted by IRERR (Institute for Research and Education on Race Relations) in partnership with CRARR (Center for Research-Action on Race Relations) and made possible with funding the Department of Canadian Heritage and Employment and Social Development Canada, to mobilize and empower mothers of diverse backgrounds in the fight against systemic racism and discrimination in various sectors, such as employment, health services, social services, education, sports, youth justice and vocational training