Mettre fin à la violence contre les enfants au Canada - webinaire avec le Dr Debra Pepler et la commissaire Elisabeth Dahlin Suède

Join the CCRC as we host Dr. Debra Pepler, Professor of Psychology at York University, and Commissioner Elisabeth Dahlin from the Children’s Ombudsperson (Sweden) in a conversation about ending violence against children. In particular, Dr. Pepler & Commissioner Dahlin talk about the lessons Canada can learn from other jurisdictions that have made progress in ending violence against children.


Date: June 29, 10:30am EST

How to register: Event Brite

Bios of speakers:

Professor Debra Pepler (Psychology, York University) is a distinguished researcher and her research has changed the way we think about bullying, aggression and other forms of violence, especially among marginalized and alienated young people. She speaks widely to professional and community audiences about children at risk. Dr. Pepler has a strong publication record and has edited four volumes in the past four years on understanding and addressing children’s aggression, bullying, and victimization.

Elisabeth Dahlin is the Ombudsman for Children in Sweden since Sept 2018. Previously she served as Secretary General of Save the Children Sweden from Sept 2008 to Sept 2018, a role she assumed from a position as Ambassador in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

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