Check out the latest research on the impact of prohibition of corporal punishment on children’s lives from End Violence Against Children

This March 2023 research report illustrates the impact of prohibition of corporal punishment on children’s lives from End Violence Against Children. “Children have a right to legal protection from all corporal punishment, in the family home and all othersettings of their lives. This human right is recognised under international treaties, including the Conventionon the Rights …

Cool opportunity from Child Rights Connect

Check out this opportunity for young people to tell the UN Human Rights Office what they think about inclusive social protection Support children to share their views with the UN Human Rights Office on inclusive social protection! Español abajo / Français ci-dessous  The UN Human Rights Office is writing a report to the Human Rights …

End Canada’s failure to protect children

Opinion piece by Kathy Vandergrift, former President and Chair of the Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children Repeated failures to protect children from institutional abuse should receive more attention than a Canadian cardinal’s chances to become the next Pope. The failure to protect children is at the centre of the class action lawsuits against …

Public Policy Exchange Webinar: Ending Conversion Therapy: Supporting Victims and Survivors and Protecting All Those at Risk

Tuesday, August 9th 2022 Webinar Key Speakers Include: Elliot Colburn MP, Secretary of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT+) Rights Dr Craig French, Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Nottingham Ibtisam Ahmed, Head of Policy and Research at LGBT Foundation Leni Morris, CEO of …

International Day to #EndCorporalPunishment: It’s Time to Act Now

From End Violence Against Children Partnership Corporal Punishment is the most common form of violence against children, often occurring at the hands of those whom children trust the most – their caregivers. Around 4 in 5 of all children aged 2-14 years worldwide are subjected to violent forms of discipline in their own homes.  Corporal …

Lettre au ministre Bennett sur l'abrogation de l'article 43

Nous félicitons l'honorable Carolyn Bennett dans son nouveau rôle de ministre de la Santé mentale et des Dépendances et de ministre associée de la Santé. Au cours de son mandat de ministre de ces dossiers importants, elle aura l'occasion de faire preuve de leadership en matière de droits des enfants de diverses façons, notamment en travaillant à mettre fin aux châtiments corporels dans ...