Climate change and children’s rights: panel discussion at the CCRC’s AGM

The focus of the panel at this year’s AGM was about the ways that children’s lives are shaped by climate change, even though they are the least responsible, they are the most affected. This is particularly true for children who are structurally vulnerable, such as Indigenous children, those living in poverty, racialized children, and those with health complications.

Check out the panel, moderated by JFCY Staff lawyer and CCRC Treasurer, Emily Chan, here.

Panelists bios:

Anne Hicks is an assistant professor in pediatric respiratory medicine at the University of Alberta. Her areas of interest focus on the influence of the environment and individual responses to specific exposures, particularly with respect to asthma. She is also the Clinical Lead for the Children’s Environmental Health Clinic, which provides clinical service, research, education and services including contributing to the World Health Organization as a Collaborating Centre.

Nicholas Rees is a Climate and Environment Specialist at UNICEF Headquarters in New York. He is a global expert in analysis, strategy and advocacy for children and environmental issues, and has supported UNICEF’s growing programmatic work in this area. He is the author of various global publications that examine the environmental determinants of children’s health and wellbeing, including The Toxic Truth, Danger in the Air, Clear the Air for Children, and Unless we Act Now.

Annabel Webb, BA MA (UBC), MSt (Oxon), is a Canadian human rights practitioner who has worked for more than two decades to promote the rights of women and girls across a broad spectrum of social, economic, and environmental justice issues. Annabel is a David Suzuki Fellow and was the 2009 Social Justice visiting scholar at the University of British Columbia Law School. She holds degrees in psychology from the University of British Columbia, a Master of Studies (awarded with distinction) in International Human Rights Law from the University of Oxford and is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of London. She is the Director of Human Rights and Climate Change at Just Planet, an international human rights organization founded by graduates and supported by faculty of the International Human Rights Law program at the University of Oxford. She is also the president and co-founder of Justice for Girls, a Canadian NGO that promotes the rights of teen girls who live in poverty. She is an Associate of the Oxford Human Rights Hub.

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