April 15, 2021

Webinar on COVID-19 and Children's rights: an Ethical Analysis

Join us for a webinar on Impacts of COVID-19 and children's rights on May 13th at 12pm EST.

Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/150056161017

#EndCorporalPunishment in April

The CCRC wants to share a campaign from the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, which focuses on amplifying calls to end corporal punishment of children as part of the Together to #ENDviolence global campaign and International Day to End Corporal Punishment of Children on 30th April.

Stay tuned for more information on this campaign.

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#EndCorporalPunishment in April

CCRC Response to Toronto/Peel School Closures

CCRC Response to Toronto/Peel School Closures
School closures may be necessary but we need a consistent action plan

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Children Write: Children's Writing Competition Submission Form & Poster

Children Write: Children's Rights Writing Competition

To help inform children about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC), the CCRC will initiate its first annual creative writing competition for children to express their views and experiences with different aspects of children's rights. This year, the focus will be on racism and discrimination.

This contest is open to students in Canada from grades 4 through 12.

Here is the link to the English competition submission form and the French form. Deadline: June 1, 2021

Check out our posters for more info:

English poster: Childen Write

French poster: Les Enfants Ecrivent (Fr)

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Children Write: Children's Writing Competition Submission Form & Poster
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