National Child Day 2020: Get Serious about Children’s Rights

National Child Day 2020 comes in the middle of the 5th/6th review of children’s rights in Canada.  The review shows the need to get serious about implementing children’s rights in Canada.  It is an opportunity to make our governing systems work better for children.  It is time to move beyond nice statements about children and …

Children’s Rights In Canada: List of Issues

The list of issues,  the next stage in the review of children’s rights,  is another opportunity to make much needed changes in Canada.  It includes many of the pressing issues for children in Canada. All governments need to answer the questions to provide additional information and analysis about the conditions for children in Canada.  That will …

Children’s Rights in Health Care: Equitable Treatment for Indigenous Children

The CCRC is drawing attention to a new book that provides evidence of  systemic  discrimination within the health care system and its impacts for indigenous children. Join a webinar to learn more. To register: 

Climate Change Court Challenge: Children’s Rights at Supreme Court

Update March 25, 2021: Today, the Supreme Court of Canada decided in favour of the federal government. Three thoughts as we continue to push for greater attention to children’s rights and the impact for their environments: 1. CCRC welcomes the Court’s finding that climate change is a matter of national concern and that the federal …

Children Lead Recovery: Throne Speech 2020

There will be no recovery from Covid-19 without a recovery for children.  The CCRC proposes a Five-Step Plan for inclusion in the Throne Speech, to be presented on September 23, 2020. While protecting children dominated the emergency phase of Covid-19, realizing children’s rights to develop and contribute to society will contribute to recovery for parents …

School Re-opening: Children at the Center

Children have a right to an education that develops their full potential and prepares them for all aspects of life. In addition, decisions about re-opening schools need to consider the full range of children’s rights, which are partially realized through the education system. These include the right to protection from violence, freedom of thought, access …